The Observation Deck and Architects of the New Paradigm Conference Present:
Worldwide Online: November 6, 2021
The 46th Anniversary of Travis’s Contact Experience
A never-before assembled panel of 15 investigators & witnesses to one of the most incredible UFO/ET contact cases in history. Hear the filmmakers discussing the production of their films. Learn from the investigators sharing their evidence and behind-the-scenes accounts.
Among the Most Incredible UFO/ET Contact Cases in History
Hear from Eyewitnesses & Key Investigators
About Travis Walton
The Travis Walton UFO Incident is among the most well-known and documented cases of human-extraterrestrial contact in history. The event happened November 5-10, 1975 near Snowflake, Arizona, and was witnessed by a six-person logging crew. Walton was missing for five days, and his crew were suspected of murdering him. Then, after intensive searching, Walton mysteriously reappeared several miles away. In 1978, Walton wrote a book about his experience titled The Walton Experience which was adapted into the 1993 film Fire in the Sky, that captured the curiosity of millions worldwide.
Produced by The Observation Deck and Architects of the New Paradigm Conference